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June 16, 2006


So I have a few different things on my mind to post about. One I've kinda put off. I think I've done so because I've heard from a few people that are kinda reading this blog on a regular basis, and it's pretty personal family stuff. Kinda makes me want to lean more to just witty banter, rants, and thoughts on pop culture. But then again, there's some personal shit on here already so posting what's essentially just an update on previous posts isn't anything I should really worry about.

Anyway, here's the update regarding my sister. She resurfaced, sort of, a few weeks ago. So we know she's alive, and now know where she's staying. Last week she actually got a hearing to revisit her and baby daddy regain custody of their kids. Her motion was denied. Talk about shitty. First there's just the whole situation. Beyond shitty. Then actually going to a court hearing and hoping they make the right call, and not give custody back to the parents. I mean really, it's a depressing story if it's a Lifetime movie. But when it's your family? It's pretty much just devestating. Even better when they lead your family member out of the courtroom in handcuffs because there was a warrant out for them. That's a banner day. But strangely a comforting day. The court made the right call, and we know she's alive. And well, we know where she is for the time being. How twisted is that? All the way twisted.

The other topics I had in mind will have to wait till later.

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