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June 12, 2006

Jerry + Carrie x Chuck = Must See TV

I've got it. The next great sitcom idea. Is it completely original? No. Clever? Yes. Would it be funny? No, it would be fucking hilarious with the right people involved. I'm still trying to figure out who play the main character. But I am leaning towards some what of a favorite and under appreciated actor.

First let me explain the premise. It's like the subject says. It's part Seinfeld, part Sex In The City and part ground breaking. A sitcom based on Chuck Klosterman and how he gets his material. His process, much like Sex In The City was based on that Carrie bitch getting her material as a writer. Also how Seinfeld got his material from his friends. Only this show wouldn't be "about nothing." Just the opposite. It would be about everything. His completely unique and totally honest point of views on anything from Star Wars defining Gen X to Lakers-Celtics in the 80s hiding the answer to every important question. And based on his story he told about the GnR cover band, there would be great episodes of him interviewing and writing hilarious features on bizarre characters. I'm telling you this could work.

My pick to play Chuck is Josh Charles. He's a "that guy." You may not know him by name but, if you saw a picture of him you would undoubtedly recognize and like him. And he is beyond due. He was great on Sports Night. IMDB him.

Now can I just say how great it is that Entourage is back? It really has knocked Sopranos out of the top spot. Back a few years ago, Sopranos would have its season premiere that would live up to every expectation. That made the wait worth it. This season it missed the call. Sure it was great to have T and the crew back but, they weren't hitting on all cylinders right away or really at any point in the season.

Vinnie, E, Turtle, Drama and Ari all came back without skipping a beat. And the fact that the show is only 30 minutes only wets your appetite even more. Just as you are in the middle of loving another episode, you sneak a peak at the clock to realize it has maybe 3 more minutes left. Never fails. Sopranos did that once. Very few shows do that. Make you yell shit just cause the show is about to end and you have to wait through a week of work and life before picking it back up again the following Sunday. And I don't feel the least bit pathetic that those 30 minutes next Sunday night will be the highlight of the week for me. I'm pathetic without Entourage. So how can looking forward to it make things worse for me? No, it makes things better. For those 30 minutes, the world is right. Man forgets man's inhumanities. The Yankees aren't the anti-christs. George Bush isn't President. For those 30 minutes.

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