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June 04, 2006

We Kept Our Rep Bro

That we did. A few of the boys and I from the Bad Beats crew played in a decent size, high stakes tourney this weekend. And to say the last, we kept our rep. A 18 man tourney, with 5 guys from the group of guys I usually play with. Out of the 5, 4 were at the final table. Including an all Bad Beats final 3. The highlight of which ended with Porqchop and myself going heads up for nearly $1000 in prize money. Something the two of us joked about doing late last week. See, he and I have spent many hours playing heads up. And let me tell you, I played my ass off. And I also took first place and enough money to pay for my airfare and hotel for my Vegas trip in October. Good times. I'll admit, I got mighty lucky three times. Twice I sucked out, beating guys who flopped trips as I drew to a flush and a straight respectively. The other time was just sticking around on a hand I probably should have folded, and catching my third five on the river to all but cripple the then chip leader. All in all, my most profitable night of poker or any kind of gambling. Congrats to Porqchop who, as expected, put up a helluva fight in our heads-up play. Coming back from what was probably a solid 4-1 chip deficit to even having the chip lead at times. Anyway, I'm off to roll around in some cash. Happy flops and sweet turns to you all.

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