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October 11, 2006

Closing in on 30

So I have this “milestone” birthday fast approaching, and I’m not exactly thrilled about this fact. There’s just something about the sound of it, 30. Three-oh. I can’t be 30, I sure as hell don’t act thirty. I play video games, fantasy sports and I’m most proud of my useless knowledge of pop culture. At thirty I’m supposed to be more into playing the market then playing X-Box. Although almost everyone I know that is over thirty is more like me then they are what I imagine 30 is supposed to be.

See, I just read something that struck me in a weird way. A comment on a baseball message board claimed a 20 year cycle was coming full circle with the Mets winning their first World Series since 1986. I was 10 then. I remember thinking wow, double digits, awesome. I don’t know why I though 10 would be any different then 9. Just as I really have no reason to believe 30 will be much different then 29. There’s just a stigma that comes with saying “I’m in my 30’s” versus “I’m in my 20’s.” Suddenly I won’t be the young cool uncle, I’ll be the old used to be cool uncle. Or that’s what I think the kids will think. They probably won’t even give it a second thought, except to poke fun at me. It’s not child abuse if the kid started it.

But back to this “cycle” that was mentioned. This kind of freaks me out because, it means if things stay true to this, then the next time the Mets win the World Series (if they win it this year, knock on wood) that I’ll be 50. See, that’s why 30 is so scary. You blink your eyes and your 50. They can say 50 is the new 40 all they want but, that really doesn’t make it sound any better. (Morbid alert, the next sentence may sound depressing) I also know with my eating habits, and my genes, that at this rate I probably won’t make it 50.

I know this cycle is complete crap though. There’s no pattern, no defined cycle in sports or life. Things do happen, and they do go in a cycle of sorts. But it’s all completely random. For starters, the Mets won their first World Series in 1969. So the fact that they won it in 1986 disproves this theory faster then Tom Cruise can disprove the science of psychology.

The real point here is this: I don’t wanna grow up. I’m a Toys-R-Us Kid. So, screw 30 and forget 50.


Porqchop said...

As someone 10 years your elder, I can tell you that you'll be doing the exact same things a decade from now.... you'll just be doing them at a bit slower pace. Happy B-Day baby boy.

Anonymous said...

happy b-day gregg! since i've been 30, i've had some of the highest and lowest points in my life. the best is yet to be!

Anonymous said...

Hey little buddy. Remember me? Just so you'll know, 50 isn't a bad deal. It's better than the alternative, eh? And the growing up thing? Never did it. It's vastly overrated. Oh, and Happy B'day. Hope you wake up in a strange bedroom with panties on your head!