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October 26, 2006

Coach Hirp?

Go back to school, move to Chicago, pick up and move to Minneapolis for school, or find work in the Windy City. I wrestled with those questions for a while, all the while pretty much knowing that I didn’t have the guts to do either. Nor did I have the guts to admit it to myself, or anyone else for that matter, that I already knew the answer. The new job made the decision a lot easier, I won’t lie. But the decision was pretty much made before. And not just because I’m a tad bit afraid of change.

Picking up and moving, facing new challenges and making new friends sounds exciting and I’m sure it is. And there’s a part of me that would still like to try it. But you know what? I may not be a huge fan of Kansas City but, I have it pretty nice here. I have some really great friends. Why would I want to leave? Just to find new work, that I might enjoy more and it might be more rewarding. But what would happen to the rest of my life? My career could end up being more then I ever dreamed of but, without good friends, what’s the point?

Some of these friends I’ve known all my life but, most I’ve known five or more years. That isn’t easy to replace. Their families are my extended family. I know a new city doesn’t guarantee any of that, and I also realize they may some day have an opportunity that could cause them to move. And if that happens, good for them. They have to do what’s best for themselves and their families. But what’s best for me, is to be near these people. No matter how much grief they enjoy inflicting on me.

Not to sound like Roy Williams or anything but, “I’m Staying.” This doesn’t mean I’ll skip town at the next chance I get. Then again, maybe I will.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

So... I'll be expecting you leave next season, after the kids have graduated (like Roy). Way to scratch an open wound.