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October 10, 2006

The Departed

Yesterday was a bit hectic so I didn’t get a chance to write anything, sorry ‘bout that. I’m working some extra long days before my trip, and I moved down to the new building yesterday. Pretty cool digs too. But I do sit about six feet from my supervisor, and he was up and about every five minutes yesterday. As of now, we’re a little more then 48 hours away from take off.

This past weekend I saw “The Departed” and it is a must see. No, a MUST SEE. What if I told you there was a movie, directed by Scorese and staring Jack Nicholson as a crime boss, with Leo Dicaprio and Matt Damon as a cop and a worse cop, is that something you’d be interested in? Never mind best movie of the year, that’s easy to say. But Martin Scorese had the best movie of the 80’s in “Raging Bull” the best movie of the 90’s with “Goodfellas” and you can say the best movie of this decade with “The Departed. The fact that he has yet to win an Oscar is both one of the great mysteries and great injustices of our time. If they withhold another, then the whole damn thing is a farce.

They won’t, however, withhold one from Nicholson. As always, he commands the screen. Leo should also get a nomination and I could see him winning. Look, it’s time to forgive him for “Titanic”. I say that for me as much as anyone else, he’s a fantastic actor. And really, he only took two parts that made him so dreamy for school girls. For the most part, he’s done very good work in very good movies. Damon, continues to make us realize he’s the reason Ben Affleck even has a career still. Mark Whalberg stole every scene he was in, and Alec Baldwin had some of the greatest lines of the movie. I was ready to see it a second time right when the credits started to roll.

I’ll own it the day it comes out on DVD, and I’m 90% certain I’ll see it again in the theatre. But that was just part of the night’s entertainment. I saw the flick with my parents and some friends. This was pretty much the first time I ever included my parents with my friends. Either a sign of maturity or insanity, the jury is still out. But it was a good time, as my parents were huge fans of my friends and vice versa. Mom took about 30 seconds to start asking why they hadn’t hooked me up with any single girls. That is no exaggeration.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Why don't your friends fix you up with any hot, single chicas. They must suck.