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October 10, 2006

Ma ma

Maybe it’s the weather, it’s cold and rainy, or maybe it’s the fact that I just accepted a full-time position with Sprint that comes with a paycut (can you believe this? To go from contractor to employ entails a significant pay DECREASE) but there’s something bugging me today. I shouldn’t be feeling down at all. After I leave work tomorrow I’m on vacation, what the hell do I have to be down about? Money issues? Everyone has those, and I only have my mouth to feed, so I know it could be a lot worse. Maybe worse isn’t the right word. Point is, I don’t have anyone else depending on my income. Right now, that’s a huge plus.

Maybe it’s the IPods fault, I have it on shuffle and right now I’m listening to Johnny Cash and his cover of Hurt. A pick me up it isn’t. And before that it was Citizen Cope with My Way Home. Oh hey, it’s Stay by John Legend. I’m now convinced my IPod wants me dead. But this isn’t depression, I’ve been there. This is just a rut. Just a few days, with a little too much stress, and a clock loudly ticking the seconds away in my head.

I also have an interview the day after I get back, which could be a very bad idea. The good news is made the second round of interviews with this company, and the pay would be a nice raise. But is scheduling an interview for the day after I get back really a good idea? It’s times like these that I’m absolutely sure I’m a moron. I shouldn’t be stressed about any of this. I swear it’s gotta be the weather or my Ipod. For crying out loud, the Mets are in the NLCS, I’m going to spend 72 hours either playing poker, drinking or participating in “other” activities. Tick-tock, tick-tock.

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