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October 05, 2006

Random Hirpizms

• This isn’t a good way to start off a day. I’m sure there are worse ways but, right now I can’t think of any. Here’s my problem, well my most recent one anyway. I got to work this morning and when I came in, I realized my Ipod headphones were broken. Not completely broken, that would almost be better. Nope, it’s just the right ear piece. So my conundrum is, do I fold on listening to music for the day or only have music in my left ear?

• I’m afraid if I listen in just my one ear for too long, I might end up with vertigo. I have no idea why I think this but, I’m almost convinced of it. At the same time, the prospect of not listening to music at all could lead to me going out of my mind. I should just go jump off the top of the building.

• Yesterday afternoon I jetted home from work to catch the Mets game, and my boys won 6-5. Damn exciting game. Typically I’m an anti-clapper. But, that’s mainly for planned claps. Where fans clap in unison, it drives me nuts. I’m telling you this as an excuse for why I was clapping alone in my apartment yesterday. I’m also against any planned high fives by fans. If you’re an athlete in the game, then fine, high five each other. I even appreciate well orchestrated high fives like Jose Reyes has with some teammates but, the fans that have to high five each other every 30 seconds should be shot. These are the same people who tuck in jerseys that have THEIR last name on the back. They shouldn’t be allowed to live. Maybe that’s a bit harsh. Sorry, just go watch Nascar.

• Speaking of Nascar, last night I was asked to act as a sub for some friends who are actually in a bowling league. You can’t expect me to pass up a night that guarantees mullets and Dale tattoos. Only I didn’t see either. I was crushed. It wasn’t a total let down, there were enough kids under the age of 9 at the bowling alley, at 11pm, to open a day care. And this might not be bad parenting. Just teach the kids to hustle. The highlight was seeing a poker game in a corner of the bar. I’m not sure if I was more excited or disappointed by the fact that each player looked to have $7.50 in change in front of them. All in all, I’m still a horrible bowler with no desire to get better but, it was a good time. However, I think a bowling alley might be the worst place to look for women. Seriously, the clinic and AA meetings would have to rate higher. At least those are women getting help.

• My days here are numbered. Well, I don’t have a new job yet and I don’t mean I’m getting fired. We’re moving to a new office downtown, next to Kemper Arena. And my new cube is VERY close to my supervisors cubical, so I’m not sure what kind of impact that may have on the frequency of my blog updates. I’m fairly certain it won’t be significant, and highly doubt it’ll change anything. This is a guy who had me enter a NCAA bracket at work and has sent entertaining links out to us from time to time. But still, could be a stupid move to let him see me typing away like this. Also, could make looking on a really bad idea. The plus is, there may be a way to meet up with some friends for our beloved lunch time poker games. You only think I’m kidding.


Porqchop said...

Type up your posts in Word, then cut and paste into Blogger. Don't be making up any excuses to curtail your frequency of posts!

Anonymous said...

Type posts in word?? Nah. I say instead of doing that, you should go to more porn sites.

Anonymous said...

Crap. There goes my date idea. I was going to suggest we go bowling...oh well...