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October 19, 2006

Win and In

There’s some major upside to having little or no hair. Showers are faster, hat head isn’t a concern, a bottle of shampoo can last years, Great Clips can’t screw up a haircut and chicks dig it. But best off all, I don’t have to worry about Game 7 of the NLCS causing me to lose hair in patches. I may knaw off an entire finger, I could pace so much that I take the wax off my floors and if thing’s don’t go right I could end up drinking like Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. But I won’t have to watch my hair fall out.

I have a buddy who is a tad bit superstitious, if he watches one of his teams play and they win, the next time he has to sit in the same seat, wearing the same clothes and completely re-enact his pre-game ritual. I’m no where near that superstitious. But this October, the Mets haven’t lost a game that I watched from the comfort of my apartment. It’s not that they’ve lost every game I watched some where else. They won when I was at the ESPN Zone in Las Vegas, with a table full of Met fans behind us who were thrilled to see my Doc Gooden rookie card that I carry in my wallet. And they won when I sat with a couple Met fan friends at the Grand Falloon here in Kansas City. But, they lost when I played cards the other night and a couple of other times that I wasn’t home. So tonight, my ass will be at home. Luckily for me, it’s pretty easy to remember my pre-game meal.

I have some friends who have said they are rooting for the Mets because of me, which strikes me as a bit odd. There have been times I’ve rooted for a friends team, just to see them happy. But more often then not, if I don’t really have any attachment to the teams involved, I’ll find myself rooting against a friends’ team just so we can give each other grief. This depends mainly on which friend, some I actually enjoy watching suffer. Sorry, Red. Don’t judge me, he does the same thing. We’re just assholes like that.

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