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October 24, 2006

Few More

• Well, I started the new job. Three weeks of training at Sprint University. So, it’s hardly an exciting three weeks. Have I mentioned how well I do in a class room environment? At least I can check my email. The new job has me both pumped, and a little bummed. Bummed because, I see exactly how stupid I am. I haven’t even received a check yet but, in my head I’m already spending the loot. You know the Lottery game we all play? Where you think about what you would do if you won a few million bucks. Well, I haven’t gotten any where near that but, I’m still playing the game. I see a flat screen tv, new laptop, new IPod, a vacation and maybe a condo in a little over a year. I really need a hobby.

• This past weekend I saw Flags of Our Fathers, the new Clint Eastwood war drama. Seriously, I think he’s one of the most overrated directors out there. I think people are just excited that Dirty Harry directs movies so they grade his work on a curve. I mean, it’s a good movie and all. But it isn’t memorable, and it doesn’t have much of an impact. It’s well done but nothing stands out about it. I think it may be because all the WWII movies have been done. There are more then a few scenes that could have had an impact but, felt like I had already seen them in Private Ryan. Maybe that’s because Steven Spielberg produced this one too. I think he has a deal where he must produce any and all movies about WWII.

• So Halloween is coming up, and I’ve been invited to go out and to go to a party. I have two ideas for a costume for myself. One is an idea I’ve kicked around for years. But, I never dress up for Halloween so I’ve had no use for it. That is “Jew-Pac.” I’d write Shalom over my stomach, wear a bandana, maybe do some drive by guilt. The other idea, and the more likely costume, is Turtle of Entourage.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Huh... that's a stretch for someone from Columbia (not).