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October 06, 2006

Post #199. Mets, Marty, so Money

Last night I made a run to McDonalds for my pre-game meal and I encountered, perhaps the smartest man to ever walk the earth. I was wearing a Met hat and tee shirt, and this gentlemen looks at me as he waits in line and asks, “Are you a Met fan?”

Now, I didn’t say this but, this is pretty much what I thought. “Are you bright or what? I mean did you piece that together yourself Einstein, or do you have a team of monkeys helping you out? Seriously, was it the hat, the shirt or the combination that tipped you off? I need to know, totally ruined it for me. I was hoping to conceal my loyalty.”

Like I said, that’s just kind of what I thought. Instead I just said, “Yep, sure am.You?”

Was he? Was he going to be one of these guys that just jumped on the bandwagon? No, luckily he wasn’t. He told me he was a Cardinal fan. Needless to say, I was already hoping that the Mets would play the Cards next week. Now, I’m demanding it.

Earlier in the evening I was up at Sunfresh, and on my way in I saw this couple that was about my age. Both had on Met hats, so I complimented them on their hats as I was wearing one of mine at the time. What threw me off was the delay in their reaction, I could see their eyes move to my hat and then there was a hesitation as they figured out that yep, they had on Met hats too. See, they didn’t even realize it. Two brand new Met hats, obviously purchased just to show allegiance to their favorite team of the week. In my head, I saw myself stabbing them. I think I need some therapy. Maybe just a little bit.

Anyway, how ‘bout those Mets! They won last night, 4-1, over the Dodgers. We are now just five wins away from a trip to the World Series. I shouldn’t be going to Vegas, I should have known this was going to happen and planned a trip to the Series.

Tonight I’m going with some friends to see the new Martin Scoresese movie “The Departed.” I have high hopes for this flick. Anything less then something in the area of Michael Mann’s “Heat” will be a let down. Sorry, just impossible to not have high expectations when you have a cast of Jack, Damon, Leo, Marky Mark, Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen, in a movie about cops and gangsters. I am officially giddy for this.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

I'm up to post 195... looks like you're going to beat me to 200, but you don't have kids!