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October 25, 2006


Kids are just mean. Not so much mean I guess but, they sure know which buttons to push. Yesterday my friends’ wife was out of town, and often when that is the situation I some how end up bringing pizza over. Well, last night that wasn’t the plan. Then he calls me, I had been home maybe five minutes, and tells me that his three year old daughter asked if I was bringing pizza over. Next, he actually puts her on the phone to ask. Well, no I hadn’t planned on it. But, well, now yes I’ll bring pizza. Like I’m gonna say no to that little voice. And they don’t live that close. They did but, some how decided it was smart to move to Johnson County. So, I gotta drive 15 minutes to get the pie because, not just any pie will do. Then another 25 minutes in rush hour traffic, just to serve the princess, and her brother the prince, some pizza. I’m never having my own kids. This is expensive enough, and I’m never going to have to pay for their therapy. And I will cause a few sessions, this I know.

So one of the perks I get with this new job is a free phone plan for myself, and I get discounts for up to six friends or family members. And since my niece is turning 15 next month, and has been begging for a phone since she was about seven, I think I’ll cave and hook her up. But I know she won’t take just any phone. It’ll have to have a camera, a fact that makes me nervous, and it will have to be pink. The up side is I can monitor her calls, both who she calls and how much she talks. Then I can track down any boys she may talk to and put the fear of God into them. If putting the fear into them doesn’t work, I’ll go all Toby Keith and put a boot in them. Really, deciding against having my own kids will go down as my best decision.

Well, training is about to start so I must go. I’ll try to post more later.

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