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March 22, 2006

The Curious Eating Habits of Hirp

Alright, you wanna talk quirks? This is by far my biggest one. And I'll admit, its mighty strange for a guy in his, um mid to late 20s.

Now everyone thinks they know a picky eater, and I'm sure you do. I assure you, he's not pickier than me. I've met girls with anorexia who eat a wider variety of food than me. And Kenyans too. So that isn't the same thing as Ethiopian, it's a lot closer than saying oh, Rhode Island.

I don't know where it started, or how. Just that ever since I was born, I've been real picky on what I put in my mouth (this explains a lot of porchops bitterness)
Here is the list of foods I do eat:
Burgers, Steak, Pizza, Grilled Chesse, Pancakes, Chicken Parm, Spaghetti, Prime Rib, Kitty Cat and Lil Dog ribs (aka the ribs you get a chinesse joint) along with Fries, oreo's, chip a hoy and Lays potato chips.

That is it. No turkey (no, not even on Thanksgiving), no fruits, no veggies, nothing green, no fish, no Mexican, no Tai, Indian, Ice cream or even Matzah. And I'm picky on the foods I DO eat. Just the other day went for a burger, didn't like the smell, so I didn't take even one bite. Yes, I know theres people starving in Africa. My throwing it out doesn't really effect them.

The why:
I haven't a fucking clue. Some foods, its the texture, just grosses me out. Some the smell. Some I've actually tried and didn't like. And it may have been 20 years ago and all I remember is I don't like it. So I won't be trying it again. I've turned down money, free furniture and other offers to try something. And I can't figure out why I can't do it. Maybe its the fact that I'd rather stab myself in the stomach with a dull knife than vomit. Maybe I really am JUST that stubborn. Oddly, it's something I'm very self-concious about. I'll not go out to eat with friends just to avoid the topic. I'm afraid of going over to someones house when they cook cause I don't want to offend them. It has nothing to do with them or their cooking.

You thought this post might provide an answer? It wont cause I sure as shit can't.


Porqchop said...

There is one delicacy I know you love that was mistakenly left off the list... those yummy Egyptian doughnuts known as Khak (see earlier Chophouse post

Gregg said...

Gotta love it when you plug your own site porqchop. Then again, you plug yourself every chance you get

Porqchop said...

i went to a asian buffet the other day that had one aisle of asian food, one aisle of mexican and one aisle of italian. didn't even end up eating asian.

Porqchop said...

nothing wrong with plugging oneself. you don't end up with twins that way.

Gregg said...

Oak Park Mall food court, the Mexican resturant is all Asians working there, the Chinesse has asians and mexicans, chickens grittle serves amerian food by asian guys, and quiznos has a middle eastern manager..goto most mcdonalds, and its all mexicans, and I'm told white kids at Taco Bell. None of it makes sense

Gregg said...

None of our work was cute. But porqchop did the hard work, his posters are great. Should get a job in marketing or something