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March 17, 2006

Roe V Wade for Men

I know you've all been wondering, "what's Hirps take on this Roe V Wade for Men case?!" "When will he post about it?" "How do I know what I think till Hirp tells me?!?!"

Well rest easy my readers. Here's a little Ghetto Gospel for you on this subject.

First, the argument. Guy says he told his girlfriend he didn't want kids from the get go, so now that they had a kid he doesn't feel he should have to pay child support.

Just another moron. For starters, you had a choice. Remember that night your parents were out of town and you took your then 19 year old girlfriend over to their house to try and impress her? That was a choice. Remember when you told her you didn't want a kid? That was smart, can't fault you for being up front. Good for you. But here's a problem I have with your logic. You say you don't want a kid. But you did everything necessary to make one. Actions speak louder than words. Now you probably didn't do that with the intention of making a child, and I agree with you. You shouldn't have children. But your actions didn't back up your talk. So essentially you either changed your mind or just didn't care anymore.

I got a problem with all these guys getting up set on this end, and the argument that "if she wants an abortion, she can have one even if the guy wants the baby" Well you asses, these are probably some issues you should have discussed before you left her with that bored look in her eye and a bun in the oven.

Oh, it was just a fling or a one night stand? Again, that's a choice. You made the choice to not deal with this issue before it became an issue. The fault is yours.

But I will say there is a valid point in the fact men don't have the same choices as women. But as unromantic as it may be, I'm sure there can be legal documents drawn up before hand that free the man of any economic responsibility. Who wants to ask a girl to sign those papers? Not many guys, probably kills a moment pretty quick. But again, that'd be part of the choice.

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