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March 28, 2006

What's in a nickname?

I've never really had many people use my first name. Usually its a nickname, or maybe some insult like Plainsmoses only refers to me as "Jackass" So I was thinking back to all the nicknames I've had, who started them and where they came from. Thought it might make for an interesting post. Now there's more than a few here that porqchop is gonna take to the dirty place. But really, can a guy who goes by Porqchop really make fun of anyone elses nickname?

4th-6th grade- Pee Wee. Mainly in Hebrew School. Started by Marc Steir. At the time Pee Wee Herman was really popular. And guess what? I was kinda short.

7th-10th grade- Shorty. Mainly around my neighborhood in KS thanks to a guy, Chad Jefferson, who funny enough moved to the same developement as us from the same town in Connecticut. We didnt know each other there but my brother and sister knew his older sister. Rumor has that it came from my height.

6th-12th grade- From Original Pizza, the manager called me Little Man from the time we first started eating there on a regular basis, up through the years I worked there. It was never Gregg. Always litle man. Again, I think it had something to do with being short.

11th-current. Hirp. What does it mean? Is it an acronym for He Is Reall Pimp? No, actually its not. It doesnt mean anything. It actually came from another nickname. My last name was always shortend to Hirsh, and a friend in high school thought it needed a P. Some how Hirp stuck. Kinda like a burning sensation that flares up from time to time.

Working at kinkos- Mugsy. From my love of mafia flicks

At Lenscrafters- G Unit, G, Jackass, little fucking devil.

Uncle refers to me as wad, short for dickwad. That's pretty nice huh?

Other nicknames that were used but never really stuck, half pint, midget, mendel and at plainsmoses work I am "the short jew" So what are yours and where did they come from?


Gregg said...

Gizmo rocked. I think I have half his personality, and half Stripe. You're not the only sybil in the building. Only dont call me sybil. ( I notice you left that off the list.hmmm did my mentioning it anger one of them??)

Gregg said...

Along those lines my mom has also called me Magregor. Someone calls me Ass all the time, I think that's cause i have a great one. Might be wrong.

Gregg said...

Nothing ever seems to work here. Damn computers are having more network problems. someone better entertain me

Gregg said...

That's just what I do.

Gregg said...

only if your full name is mr big dickhead