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March 31, 2006

Daylight Savings

Just got an email at work reminding me that this Sunday we change the clocks. Which got me to thinking about a question I've had for years. Yet always forget to find the answer. What the hell happens to TV shows when the clocks change? Like when 2am all of the sudden is 3am, do they just skip the normal 2am programming? How bout when we gain an hour, do they replay shows? And what about movies that are on? Every year I wonder about this, then forget to pay attention to find the answer. So now you can all wonder about it too.


Porqchop said...

I think when they invented this "rule," there was no television. I know... cause I was there...

Gregg said...

Interesting? That's one word for it

Porqchop said...

NRJB... who knows all... could not handle knowing my mind. It would make what hair he had, had he any, turn gray. Oh... wait... for his sake, hope the carpet didn't go the way of the drapes.

Gregg said...

Your mind? Stopped growing when you 14, so I know your mind well. Which says more about me than it does you.

Porqchop said...

Now let's not get into "what" stopped growing on "whom" at age 14... young man...

Porqchop said...

Are you kidding? I loved the new Dawn of the Dead (and the old). Impressed that you knew it was "new."