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March 09, 2006

Shooting from the Hirp

While talking to a friend at work recently, I came up with a brilliant idea. Basically its my way of "taking credit for the big salad" (Not tossing one Porqchop)

It's like this. From now one, when someone I'm talking to says thank you or some variation of that, I will just simply say you're welcome. Just being polite right? Only catch is it's pretty often people just say thanks without really directing it to me. Here are some examples of how I will use this new jedi mind trick.

"Thank god its friday" You're welcome
"Thank god the cop didnt clock me" You're welcome

"I have a hangover, thank god the network is down" You're welcome
"Thankfully the wife let me play poker" You're welcome
"So yeah, thank the heavens the baby isnt mine" You're welcome

So basically what's this mean? Well, I haven't the slightest. But I do think it means its time to up my medication.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Excellent entry title. I think you should change the name of your blog to "Shooting from the Hirp."