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March 15, 2006

No Limit Texas Hirp-em

Let's see how this goes. Using poker as symbolic for my life, and how I play poker is how I've live.

At the table, just trying to play smart cards. As Mikey McD says, protect my stack when I don't have the cards, get my money in the pot when I do. But that's just the game plan. Probably not how it actually plays out. Truth be told, I know I don't play enough hands. Not enough risk. It's like I know at what level I play and I know damn well I can't read someone else. So I just try to stick to playing the cards I'm dealt.

And sometimes I get dealt what looks like a great hand. Unbeatable hand. Gonna rake in the chips kinda hand. But the luck of it, no one at the table feels they have a hand worth playing. Which I just don't get. Are they not even thinking about the odds that the flop could turn out good for them? Or are they just holding the shittiest hand. Some 2-7 offsuit crap? Maybe, just maybe a 4-6 suited. It's not that this is a hand I'm going to go bankrupt in. It's just another one of those hands that will haunt me cause I didn't play it right. Over bet the pot, or didn't bet enough. Shoulda checked, or should have raised. Or sometimes just calling and not getting greedy is the way I should have played it. Maybe if I could just read them better. Or if they had tells that actually made sense.

I know it's my misplaying that's got me short stacked and long odds against. Too many hands I didn't play. Or pissed chips away on a hunch. But the fact that I know this about my game, means I can only improve it right? And at some point stop making the same errors in judgment? It's ironic, someone who likes to play as much as me, just isn't playing enough hands.

It's not that my goal is to knock everyone off, and take all the chips. I just want to play my hand right, and hopefully end up heads up with someone at the end.


Gregg said...

Sadly this was posted a few hours before I got that news and has almost nothing to do with that situation. But thanks for the vote of confidence.

Porqchop said...

Feeling left outl... NRJB... email me or call... soon!

Gregg said...

Oh shut it. You're both the same. I've called and text both of you to no response.