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March 27, 2006

"Thank god for this moment of clarity"

Sit with me a a moment. I'm going to share something very personal with you. So make sure no one is sneaking into your cube to read this, and turn off your cell you dont want to miss this. It's rare that you'll find anyone, let alone a guy be so honest with you about something like this. It takes guts. Lots of guts. Sure a lot of guys, and some girls like to put on a front but I'm gonna give you the goods. The real thing. Unplugged. Unsensored. Unauthorized. Uncanny. Under the bridge and dreaming.

What is it you're asking? Probably even out loud by now. Sorry but you must be patient. It's not easy to say. But here goes.

What I want to share with you is this burden I carry every day. My cross to bare if you will. (I hope I used that right, I'm a friggin Jew, we dont bare crosses) I. I am always right. There, I said it. It feels good to get out. Sure it sounds like a gift. But as Jay Z calls it, the gift and the curse. There are no mysteries to me (except women) I know how everythings gonna turn out. Sometimes, yeah it's great. But when you see every little twist 10 miles down the road, it makes things rather boring. Not that any of my readers bore me, see, I knew you'd think that. Its more that because I know it all, I bore myself. Now dont treat me like a circus freak, I'm not your magic 8 ball. There will be no tarrot card reading for you. I will not answer lifes biggest questions. Nor will I tell you whose gonna win the super bowl or what powerball #s to pick. Please, don't try to take advantage of me. Well, dont try to tak advantage of the gift. Me? Go for it. Well there. I said it. I hope you dont judge me for this, although I know who will and wont.


Porqchop said...

OMFG. If you're so right... how is it that I take you down to Chinatown every time we play poker.

Gregg said...

Cause I like proof that I am right about your cards.

That and cause well, you're married you have kids you get little sleep, you're in the closet. So I gotta give you some small victories in life.

Porqchop said...

That... and a nice BJ. Much appreciated. You're the best!