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March 09, 2006

Let's talk for a minute

Okay, say there's a college kid. And this college kid really really wants to do well. They study and study and the grades are pretty good. Just not as good as they could be if they could study more. So this student starts taking speed so they can stay up later to study. And lookie there, the grades are even better. Now, this kid is breaking the law. But the school doesnt have a rule saying that if you get caught using speed, they're going to suspend you or take away your grades. Is it a bad idea to take the speed? Yep, could kill the kid. Not a wise choice. So realy, is it that much different then Barry Bonds or any of these other ball players?

Barry Bonds should most definately not be suspended. Baseball is as much to blame as he is, and no one is looking to punish the owners. Look, we fans needed something to bring us back to the game. Home Runs did it. No one cared how or why then. Don't start crying about it now. Fix the problem. Get the juice out of the game and move on. But at the same time, don't for a second think that it's just something that's been in baseball the past 6 or 7 years. I promise you, its been around A LOT longer. And is not just baseball. I'd bet anything it's just as big in the NBA, NFL and probably Hollywood.

Tell ya what this whole Bonds mess reminds me of. WMD and George Bush. We heard a whole lot of talk about what we "knew" to be true. We "knew" they had weapons, and they were gonna use them. But when the troops finally got over there and started digging around, they found nothing but sand. There's no flunked test by Bonds. No video of him taking anything. Just a bunch of shady people telling their side. Like they dont have a book deal, or freedom to gain?

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Should change the name of your blog from "hirpdotcom" to "the pulpit"...