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March 20, 2006

So this is gonna be a first. A total free style post. Normally I sit down with either a subject I wanna get into, someone or something I wanna poke fun at, a rant or something in mind. Ah but not this time? And why? Cause I opened my big mouth again. Said I'd post something happier than the previous posts, which to be honest weren't that good or fun to read. I apologize dear readers. Like all 4 of you.

So I'm just gonna sit and type and type till something that resembles a fun post ends up on my screen. Who the hell knows how long that could be. But this is just going to be totally uncensored Hirp. Unplugged if you will. But if I went acoustic here, I'd be screwed. I don't have a type writer. And if I did, what am I gonna do, mail you all this? Shit, I don't goto the post office. But maybe the whole freestyle thing will fit best with my newest poster from Porqchop. The good and the bad, and probably a little of the bitter (I'll try to keep that to a minimal) But there's gotta be something to actually talk about. Wait, the weather? It's the first day of spring, it's fargin freezing out and it's supposed to snow. The weather here is enough to drive you crazy. Drive you some place crazy. Some even more assbackwards, more detached state like oh..Mississippi or Alabama.

So here's something I was thinking about earlier. What bands or singers today, are actually gonna stick around? Who might be the new U2. You know, the band that stays big and no one can really remember why but we keep saying wow, aren't they great? DMB? John Mayer? Kanye? Green Day?Realize Green Day and DMB have been pretty big nwo for like 10-12 years? That's nutty.

So tomorrow is the second poker tourney of our season. I guess I should make a prediction on who will win, and hopefully it acts as a jinx and I walk away with the loot. But the safe bet is always Ryan.

So here's something else. A conundrum if you will. When I started this blog, I wanted it to be like total brutal honesty. Like anything that happened in my life, or any opinion I had, I'd share. And if someone reads it and has a problem with it, fuck em. Then I was like, hmm..what if like, say one of my nieces or nephews reads it and there's something relating to them. Maybe I don't want that. But at the same time, I'd really like to be one of those guys who just says whatever's on his mind and doesn't have to worry about what comes of it. Or is that just irresponsible? Yeah, so I think I'm done. Time to sit back and wait to see if there any good comments from you kids. Ready, set, GO.


Porqchop said...

Bands... eh... if he doesn't implode, or committ suicide, I firmly believe Ryan Adams will be recording for years to come. If you don't know who he is, check him out. Brutal truth. I like the concept, but you certainly can't give three shits about your audience if you go that path. Then again, perhaps you don't! Why don't you post the pic I just sent you. And here's a game. NRJB has to post a story with any pick you send him. It's better than reality TV. Watch the lil' monkey dance!

Porqchop said...

Oh... I can't leave that alone... slipped what in right under your nose (isn't your mouth right under your nose?). Bad lil kitty.

Gregg said...

First off, sorry Jess. As I'm sure this isnt a first for eithe rof you, but Porqchop finished a minute before you. Alafuckingbama is directed at my brother as much as anyone. Hell, you atleast have a reason to go there. He just up and left.

As for the brutal truth, theres 2 cons to it. I do give a shit about some of my readers, and there's also the risk of airing personal business and people that arent really friends hearing this or that. It'd have to be a totally annoyomous blog.

Porqchop said...

Fairly anonymous considering none of the three of us has ever met... and you're both female. Yes Jess... it's all been a clever sociology experiment for Hirp's 8th grade thesis.

Gregg said...

Havent met? Your son looks more like me than he does you.

Porqchop said...

19 inches tall. bald. small penis. you're right.

Gregg said...

Thats fine. Yes, I'm short. Yes I'm bald. As for the size of package, I really see no reason to correct him. It makes no difference to me if he's right, or incredibly wrong.