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March 03, 2006

Wait, this isn't the Fieldhouse

Now it's hard to see. But look at the Y at the end of University (someone please help any Tigers reading this find the Y)

Ok, found it? The guy sitting above it, arms crossed, white dress shirt, RED hair. That's my old friend Mike V. Aka Red. My boy is all growns up, and when you're all growns up, you're all growns up. Anyway, let's get to why this picture made See, Mike is a graduate of The University of Kansas. And well, he's pretty damn proud of that. As well he should be. Not all of us are as fortunate. But why is Mike at a Duke game? Well Mike works for Wake Forrest in their sports info department. So he's there doing STAAAAATS. But the only thing I think Mike hates more than Duke, is MU. Well there are actually 9 other things, all viewable on this site under Top 10 list.

But what's so impressive about this picture, is even as the Cameron Crazies heckle Mike, he stays in the zone. Never missing an assist or a rebound. And not even adding extras as he did in high school. By the way, Mike cheats. A lot. Fantasy baseball, March Madness brackets. He just cheats. But I just wanted to show Red some love and tell the world how impressed I am by his composure. Shit, if only Collison could stay that focused, KU would have another banner hanging in the rafters.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Hip's been known to bit more than "the hand" that feeds him... I can show you the teeth marks to prove it!