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June 22, 2006

Lets Hirp It Out Bitch

So there's a slight controversy regarding the hottest show on TV, Entourage. Kind of like a quarterback controversy in football. The debate is, should the show go more in the Ari direction or stay centered around Vince and the boys?

And as you may have guessed, Hirp has an opinion. Look, I love Ari as much as anyone. Dude is just hilarious. BUT, one of the things that makes the character so great, and the job Piven has done with it, is he always leaves you wanting more. That's the hardest thing to do in show biz. And Piven does that with Ari as well as anyone has ever done it before.

Think back to Seinfeld. I loved Costanza. But you couldn't have the whole show revolve around him. And Ari is such an over the top in your face guy that hearing "boom" 12 times in a half hour, or "LLOYD!!!" 23 times in just 30 minutes would lose its punch. The fact that everyone wants more Ari is exactly how it should be. They shouldn't change a thing about the show. In fact I'll be disappointed if they make Ari more of a player. Just like in any entourage, everyone has a role. He plays his to perfection. They all do.

I've been a long time Piven fan. Well, maybe not a fan. But anytime he popped up in a movie, it was usually for a solid performance in an enjoyable flick. He has a few movies coming out where he has top billing, and I'm looking forward to these. But I'm afraid we're going to be a little let down, everyone will be looking for Ari.

So far this season has been amazing. Many shows pop up on our TVs with a huge buzz but, can't maintain. Not Entourage. It's getting better. The only thing I dislike, and this is more about the "buzz," is the show is getting too big. Like poker, Sopranos and Napoleon Dynamite. It was even more fun when it wasn't EVERY WHERE you looked. But then again, I do look for things to bitch about.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Coming from Hirp... the master when it comes to leaving you wanting more...