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June 07, 2006

Reading is FUN da mental

So I gave this activity a try. Been hearing about it for years. Pronounced eading but, spelled "reading." The R is silent much like the J in Jogging. Anyway, I've actually read some books before. Entire books, no pictures! I shit you not. And this was passed on to me by a friend who thought I'd like it. I'm enjoying it so much I'm recommending it before I'm even half way through the thing. Let's see the New York Times do some thing so drastic.

The book, "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs." Penned by Chuck Klosterman. Which is cool, cause who thinks to name their kid Chuck anymore? Other then southerners. Anyway, his writing style is pretty similar to the guy who has the single most impact on my style. You know him as Sports Guy, aka Bill Simmons. I just call him God. But if he is God, Chucks a profit. It's not a novel, right now I'd have to label it as philosophy. Although it really should be the basis for a religion or at the very least a cult. Wait, that was redundant sorry. Basically, it's just this fellas observations, and they are dead on balls accurate. (name that movie) I'd write more but, really I need to read more first.


Porqchop said...

I'll take "My Cousin Vinny" for $500, Chuck. And not even a FULL endorsement... just "referred to me by a friend." Mr. Big Stuff.

Porqchop said...

I'll take "My Cousin Vinny" for $500, Chuck. And not even a FULL endorsement... just "referred to me by a friend." Mr. Big Stuff.