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August 28, 2006


What am I going to spend my entire week looking forward to now?! Last night was the season finale of Entourage and I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach. Someone with a rather powerful kick too. I, for one, officially hate cliff hanger endings. Actually, I hate all endings. This is ironic because, I hate a good thing being dragged on too long even more. Something made even more ironic by the fact that I will drag a good joke on longer then anyone I know, and in the process take something from being funny to being annoying. Anyway, I’ve already lost my point.

Which might be the point after all, I don’t know. I’m at a complete loss today. This reminds me of how I felt as a kid when I had to move away from friends. I knew I’d see them again but, that didn’t make it suck any less. And that best describes how I feel today. I know I’ll see E, Ari and everyone else again. But it won’t be next week, so the routine is broken for now. Have I told you how much I dislike change?

There will be new shows, even a few new ones I’m very much looking forward to. But, it won’t be the same as my Sunday nights in Olathe watching Entourage with some friends on their gianormis television. Entourage is one of those shows that is better when watched with friends. Shows like that are few and far between. In my years of watching television, I’ve had plenty of shows I considered must-see TV. But, the ones that were the best were the ones I had to watch with friends. And if we didn’t get to see them together, there were phone calls or emails either that night or the following day.

Enough of the sappy crap okay? Let’s get on to speculating about what the future holds for the fellas. I read an interesting idea on the Entourage board on IMDB, to have Billy Walsh direct the Joey Ramone bio-pic. I happen to think that’s a pretty good idea. And, if Ari could orchestrate it, I’m pretty sure it would get Vince back. Get Dana on board as a producer as well, and Ari could make that right. They only lost THAT script. They could easily hire someone to write a new script.

What is buggin’ me the most right now, is the fact that on there are three other episodes listed for season three. I’m not sure if they were pushed back into season four, or if they are coming back when the final Sopranos episodes air. One would think I could find some answers on the internet but, no such luck.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Word on the street is that they've allready shot season's three and four, but they're not planning on giving them to use for a while. Bastards.