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August 18, 2006

Random Hirpizms

• Recently Haley Joel Osment, that’s right the kid from The Sixth Sense, was in a car accident. He is now facing charges for driving drunk and possession of the pot. My sources tell me he has since blamed dead people for all the wars in the world. Only to later apologize and ask for the chance to sit down and talk to dead people (again) to put them at ease. I only hope I was the first one to make this joke.

• A video YOU have to see. It’s Denis Leary in the booth at a recent Red Sox game, and he really goes off on Mel Gibson. I don’t think he can win an Emmy for this, or an Oscar. So how about we give the guy a Nobel Prize. There has to be some kind of reward for this. Maybe we’ll give him Israel, or his own Monica Lewinsky.

• So this guy that confessed to killing JonBenet didn’t do it. I heard that he claimed to have drugged her, yet there were no drugs in her system, and made some other claims that aren’t accurate. I still think he should be locked up, I mean you have to be a sick twisted soul to kill someone. But to confess you did when you didn’t? I think that’s the act of an even sicker person. Instead I bet he gets a book deal.

• No doubt in my mind the Mets are the best team in the NL. Problem is we don’t have the pitching. And without Pedro, the Mets will get win only one game in the World Series. More sports stuff, the Giants blanked the Chiefs last night. Take that Kansas City.

• A follow-up regarding on the on going debates I’m involved in on One woman is upset that American’s aren’t allowed to bring a Bible with them if they go to an Arab country. My question is what would you need it for? Is it you can’t pray without it, or that you can’t preach without it? And really, how can we be upset by their laws? Last I checked it isn’t our land. Well, not yet anyway.

• Snakes On A Plane comes out today, who isn’t excited about this? If you haven’t already done it you need to go to and have Samuel L Jackson call all of your friends. It’s hysterical.

And this is just great: Shea Stadium. It's like being there. Might not be the nicest stadium in baseball but, it's still my favorite. Sorry Wrigley.

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