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August 11, 2006

God Stuff

After seeing World Trade Center, I made my way over to the message boards at the great, just to see what other movie goers were saying. First of all, message boards get annoying real quick. What could be a fun and interesting way to exchange thoughts turns into a headache when the idiots start posting crap just to get a rise out of everyone. Unfortunately that board is no longer about the movie, instead its conspiracies and racism. If I wanted that, I’d watch Fox News.

Nevertheless, one thread on there did make me stop and think. And that’s lead to a new post. I know, I know, you’re so excited you can barely hide it. Probably emailed all your friends or you’re waiting to print this out to take to the john. I do what I can to entertain. ANYWAY. There was a post asking why some of the Muslims in England put their religion before their country. This question didn’t sit right with me. I mean, how many Americans are there that consider themselves Christian first, or Jewish? This isn’t a phenomenon just for Muslims; it’s a problem (one of many) with organized religion. Every single one of them.

I understand the thinking that their relationship with their God and being right with him when they die is of some importance. This makes perfect sense. But to think that this God, wants you put him/her before your neighbors is what I don’t get. I’m no scholar, I haven’t read the bible, and if I were to own one I’d probably use it to kill spiders. But I think I have a decent understanding for the concept of God, even if I don’t believe, and my take is this; treat each other well. That really seems to be the theme, to me anyway. And if you do that, you should be okay when you meet your maker. To think God wants anything else, well I think that’s actually having a pretty low opinion of the big fella. And why would you want to worry about pleasing someone you think is so egocentric that you are supposed to put him (or her) before everything else? You would tell your friend to dump someone that thought that but, it’s okay for God to be like that?

Another thing, calling these terrorists Muslims is ridiculous. I can claim to be six foot, doesn’t make it so. Like I said, if there’s a God the one thing we’re supposed to do is treat each other well. Strapping a bomb to your back, or launching a missile probably doesn’t qualify. So if you’re going to, then fine do it. Just be honest about why you’re doing it. Right now we have two sides who both think they are doing Gods work

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