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August 30, 2006

Random Hirpizms

• You really have just got to love professional athletes these days. Houston Astros Pitcher Roy Oswalt, just signed a 5 year $73 million extension. Now Oswalt, seems like a good enough kid but, I just love what he said about his father after signing the deal. "He's my life. The things he's done for me growing up, he's been tremendous," Oswalt said. "Hopefully, now I can put them out of work. I've been waiting on this day."

In the past three seasons Oswalt earned roughly $20 million. What kind of retirement did his parents need?

• Am I the only one who saw the reports about Tropical Storm Ernesto and thought it sounded an awful lot like a typical thunderstorm in the KC area?

• Know some football fans? Go to and have some fun with them. Good times brought to you by the boys, and probably girls, at Deutsch LA.

• The fall television season is fast approaching us, here are a few shows I’m looking forward to; Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, Scrubs, House, Two and a Half Men and Entourage. When does season four start?!

• So John Marc Karr didn’t kill JonBenet, what kind of odds did Vegas have on that? If he goes to prison, he’s as good as dead. But if anyone is capable of pulling off an insane defense, it has to be him. Let’s see, you confessed to a murder and rape you didn’t commit, you got a serious problem with kids and you want to be a woman? No way is he “sane.”

• I got nothing else. Been one long ass week and it’s only now just Wednesday. Oh, go see Little Miss Sunshine. It’s funny but bizarre.

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