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August 09, 2006


Hit the K last night for a Royals game, and I made some observations as well as being reminded of something I had wanted to write a post about for some time now. First, we’ll tackle the new observation. This is something I don’t understand, people who go to a baseball game wearing a jersey of a team that IS NOT playing at said game. I saw so many jerseys of other teams last night, it made my head spin. Well, the beer might have done that. Either way my head spun. But can someone make sense of this for me? I mean, I’m there and I could pretty much care less about who wins, neither team is my favorite team. Are these guys trying to make a statement about their loyalty? Then cheer accordingly. Oh, you’re on the Yankees bandwagon, well then just cheer against the Royals. Or just wear your Yankee hat, this I can live with. I’ll wear my Met hat to just about anything, a Royals game or a KU basketball game. There’s a big difference between an adult wearing a hat or a jersey. For starters, unless you’re Turtle, you aren’t wearing a jersey on any random day. Many of us will wear a hat for no reason at all. I own a Met jersey but, now that I’m *ahem* in my late 20’s I don’t think I need to rock a jersey.

Before I go on, there was one complete moron that I need to address here. Understand Kansas City in August, it was about 100 degrees yesterday and 90 at the time of the first pitch. And there was this kid wearing this leather Boston Red Sox jacket. Re-read that real quickly. That’s right, a friggin leather jacket in Kansas City. This has nothing to do with the fact he was wearing a sports team jacket, which in itself is pretty ridiculous. The fact that it was leather is ridiculous. Even funnier to me, is under it he wore a wife beater so I guess he thought he MIGHT be warm.

Now I went to the game with some people from work, including two very attractive women. Understand, normally when I go out be it with just female friends or friends and their wives, that I hang out with some pretty attractive broads (Frank, I’m trying to bring back broads and dames) that’s just how I roll. So I’ve noticed this many times before. But, it is half hilarious and half pathetic to watch guys react to a pretty girl. Heads whip around, guys nudge each other, do the head point, cough to get each others attention or even stare without even trying to hide it. And what’s so funny to me about it is the fact that my friends and I are probably JUST like that. It’s a bit embarrassing when I realize this. Luckily I forget that when I’m in the situation. I mean fellas; really we must get better at this. I think we’ve all gotten really good at not getting caught by the women themselves that is even easy by now. What also strikes me as humorous about this is the reaction I have to them. The uncle in me comes out, and I want to tell them to keep their eyes above neck level. One day I’ll have to post about how funny it is when girls I’m just hanging out with get hit on in front of me.

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