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August 22, 2006

G-Hirp on K-Fed

There was once a day where America’s Nightmare was Ice Cube and NWA, man how I long for those days. Today the nightmare is friggin K-Fed. That’s right, the idiot husband of the idiot pop queen, Britney Spears. The guy had his big showcase at the Teen Choice Awards and I can’t decide which the bigger mistake was. Well, not counting the original mistake that is K-Fed.

Was it trying to make his big splash in the world of hip hop at the Teen Choice Awards? That in itself is pretty stupid. Makes sense if you want to capture the white 12-14 year old market but, that isn’t really gangsta now is it? Or was it dropping F bombs and all sorts of other colorful words in a room full of young kids? Who else would think any of those are good ideas? Even Eminem would change his lyrics up for that crowd.

And let this be the first, and last post I ever write about the one called K-Fed but, since I already started let’s try and figure this guy out. Mainly why do we hate him so much? Aside from the obvious that he’s a complete moron. I think it’s because we all realize, that wow, we all actually had a shot with Britney. I mean, she’s picked such a loser, that John Mark Karr is shaking his head. Yet at the same time K-Fed, ended up with the richest piece of trailer trash on the planet. We can’t actually envy the guy. Okay, he’s rich and set for life. She’s been hot before, might be hot again. No, I can’t envy him. Mainly we hate him because we know who he is. And we hate that we know.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

I knew this was coming... too funny...