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August 02, 2006

Shots from the Hirp

So I’ve been watching the news and paying some attention to this whole Castro drama in Cuba. Pretty exciting stuff might be happening. Now I’m not someone who spends tons of time getting into political debates nor is it one of my areas of expertise. (I think I have a few areas though) But one story I keep seeing is the debate on whether or not we should help set up a democracy down there. I say no. I say hell no. Not there, or anywhere else. Not because I don’t believe in democracy by any means. I just don’t really like this treating government or religion like it’s fucking Am-way and we need to convert people to any one way of thinking.

Democracy works for us, pretty well I might add. That doesn’t mean everyone else should get on board. For starters, that kind of thinking is anything BUT democratic. It’s just not for everyone. And who are we to say that it is? Same goes with religion or any idealogy. What helps you and yours, I’m all in favor for. But don’t cheapen it by treating it like it’s another pyrmid scheme. If Cuba is going to be come a democracy after Castro kicks it, then Cubans have to be the ones that make it happen. That goes for Iraq too and anywhere else for that matter.


Now I’ve gone on record that I know zero about women. And that probably isn’t 100% accurate. I know nothing about how to get women. And this isn’t bragging here, if you ask my friends I’m fairly certain they’d back me but, I’m pretty confident that I know how to treat ‘em. See, I’ve been talking to a couple dames I know who are having guy troubles. And as different as the situations are, they are eerily similar. Mainly, guys are idiots. I recently realized that everything I know about how to treat them came from one man. One short, bald, Jewish guy from Long Island. No not me you funny bastards. Billy Joel. I shit you not.

Just The Way You Are, You May Be Right, She’s Got A Way, Tell Her About It, And So It Goes, Keeping The Faith, Matter Of Trust, I Go To Extremes, This Is The Time, She’s Always a Woman To Me, Shameless, Leave A Tender Moment Alone. Know these songs, believe everything he tells you in them and it’s really that easy. These songs won’t make you a Casanova or Don Juan, that isn’t the goal but, a decent guy without baby mama drama.

And ladies, there’s just one Liz Phair song you need to know to make a guy happy. Sorry, I can’t tell ya which one.


Kat said...

Ok so I alway thought "She's Always A Woman To Me" to be a bit sadistic on ole Billys part: She can kill with smile, She can wound with her eyes, She can ruin your faith with her casual lies....but she's always a woman to me. And well Billy may know a lot about getting a woman but keep one, that's another story, he's on what his 3rd marriage? But I can't find fault in another BJ fan.
Katherine Cirelli

Kat said...

Unfortunately our education system indoctrinates our children the minute they begin their school career that everyone should want and need a free democratic society. I am required to shovel it down student’s throats on a weekly basis with mandated “Core Democratic Values” lessons, it is even incorporated into the State Standardized Testing, You know the tests Ole George W. uses to grade us teachers and schools. Damn that NCLB!
So are we to say all dictatorships are evil, and should be done away with with the help of the good old US of A? That benevolent despot Santa runs a slick dictatorship, and you don’t hear the Elf’s complaining, then again Rudolph could go on strike and push for a free democratic society at he North Pole, but then we would have a lot of disappointed kids on Christmas Morn..