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August 01, 2006

What Hirp Wants

Mel Gibson, anti-Semite? I don’t know. And at the same time, I’m not even sure if I care. Let’s assume for a second that he is. Does that make him less talented? Do I suddenly no longer enjoy Lethal Weapon or Tequila Sunrise? Other then my opinion of him personally, does it change anything?

Well, yes and no. No, it doesn’t for a second take away the work he’s done. The guy has built a nice resume, hit IMDB and you see a lot of good flicks that we’ve all enjoyed. But, part of that has been built on the image of him being this genuinely good guy. For which we are to blame as much as he is. And if I end up feeling he’s actually anti-Semitic, and really it will be just a feeling be it mine or yours, I sure as hell won’t want to put any more money in his already phat pockets.

One thing I need to make clear. If Mel, or anyone else happens to dislike Jews or any other group of people, I fully support their right to feel that way. And to say it. Now, if you feel it be man (or woman enough) to own that opinion. I honestly think the best way he could handle this is to say, “yeah, I said it and I believe it but I’m open to sitting down and discussing it.” What I don’t want to hear is how his dad raised him that way, his father by the way has gone on record with his belief that the Holocaust was exaggerated. Mel is in his 50’s, worth hundreds of millions of dollars and I know how he was raised by his parents would undoubtly affect his world views, they are still HIS views.

If he actually said , "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," and asked the arresting officer, "Are you a Jew?" He can’t hide behind daddy. Nor are those just the words of a drunk guy making an ass of himself. Most of us have been drunk, and most of us have probably said something we wish we hadn’t while drunk. That’s part of why you get drunk. You don’t say shit you don’t believe, you say the things you’re too scared to say sober. This is why men and women drink then hit on each other, it’s not that they didn’t want to before. It’s liquid balls. My point, if Mel said it he fucking believes it.

I don’t want some well thought out apology, or some PR machine behind him helping him smooth it over. I’d rather he sit down with someone, and honestly tell us what he thinks. Then listen as someone explains where his facts are off. For him to know, and for everyone who thinks like him. Let’s atleast use this as a way to get some facts out there. You know, it’s been a pain in the ass running Hollywood behind the scenes all these years. A good frank conversation would be good for all of us.


Porqchop said...

I'm pretty sure that movie he released last year fairly clearly states his views... If you aren't seeing the message, try drinking a vodka/tonic or rum-runner while watching it.

Gregg said...

Still haven't seen it. Kinda like watching the Titanic, already know the ending. But Im wondering if he's got plans for a sequel.

Did you read his statement today? Claims that its against his religion to hate anyone. And he wants to sit down with leaders from the Jewish community. Im not sure why he thinks he should sit with leaders. He should sit to talk to the shmucks like me. Why is he suddenly important enough to talk to "leaders"?

Porqchop said...

Cause he's Mel F-ing Gibson, that's why. One word for ya.. "entitlement"... it's also likely the reason he went ape-shiite on that cop.

Gregg said...

What do you think the odds are on him donating money to Israel or promising to do a movie about the Holocaust as part of his making ammends?