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August 23, 2006

Need a New Jay Oh Bee

Going back to school or not, I’m looking for a new gig here in Kansas City. So, can I just say job hunting sucks? What, you want to hear more? Well okay then. First it’s hard enough to find something I’d actually be interested in doing. Then there’s the fact that I have to realistic so I can’t apply for any VP positions. Now, I know what I don’t want. Rather not process anything, oh hell I think I already used that Cusak quote in a previous post.

But really, I’m not even sure what I want to do. I thought I’d enjoy this job, just sitting at a computer all day, occasionally checking my email and listening to my IPod all day. And it has some perks but, I’m bored to tears. The fact that it doesn’t seem to lead to anything isn’t helping. Oh, did I mention that I’m a contractor? This is important because if I don’t get hired on by Sprint, and if I did I couldn’t be promoted for a year, they won’t renew my contract. I won’t go into how stupid that is on their part but, that means I have till the first week of January. Plenty of time you’re saying. Oh, I might be a little obsessive compulsive sometimes so, the whole theory of time doesn’t always pertain to me.

The irony of this job and its lack of a future is, that’s a big reason why the idea of going back to school is so appealing. If I am able to find something I like, or something tolerable that pays me enough, I could very easily get over the school idea. The more “adult” decisions I’m faced with, the more I wish I was eight again.

Speaking of being a kid again, I recently was talking some trash with a couple cousins. Imagine that, its easy if you try. And at some point I brought up an old Shogun action figure he gave me when I was two, and I guess I had hit a nerve with something else I said so he asked for it back. Kidding of course, well I think so anyway. But I’ve now found it on Ebay and I’m in the process of bidding and winning, so that I can give it to his son. Not to brag or anything but, I’m a pro with the whole gift giving thing. And I’m mighty impressed with myself on this one. Really, I’m not bragging. Ignore the fact that is a website where I write about whatever I feel like and hope people read it. There’s no ego in that. Seriously.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Just outbid you on your Shogun Warrior...