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October 20, 2006

Few Things

• I wish I had been a part of this but, I wasn’t. I came in to work this morning, and a couple people from our team took a bit of time last night to play a little prank on our supervisor. They covered everything in his cube in aluminum foil. I mean EVERY THING. Pictures on his wall? Check. Phone? Yep. Trash can, got it. His chair, monitor, and even items in his desk. It is friggin’ hysterical. And I have no doubt they will pay for it. But they also get the dunce cap. They actually signed their work. Between calling that move bold or stupid, without question I’d say stupid. I wish I had a camera phone.

• Well, last night my Mets lost a heart breaker of a game. It was an unbelievably exciting series between them and the St. Louis Cardinals. I really don’t have much to say about it. It’s going to sting for a while. But I can’t be all mad because, I also got pretty good news yesterday.

• The good news being that I got a new job with Sprint. Pretty excited about this. It’s a big kid job. Complete with a laptop and business cards. What scares me is, this is the type of job a 30 year old has. So I guess I really am about to turn 30. Crap. Speaking of, I think there may have been some confusion. I appreciate the birthday wishes I received on here the past week or so but, it’s a bit pre-mature. My actual birthday isn’t till late November. Not that I’m expecting anything then, I just want to hold on to my 20’s as long as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am over 30 and have never posted a response on a blogg so here goes…. In order to be an adult do you have to be married, quit playing video games; have a job which requires a business card, oh and no stalking KU students? Absolutely not! Not many almost 30 year old men I have ever known are as loyal and responsible as you. I have to say that you are the perfect mix of young hip guy and the responsible adult.

I do realize that you have been to every football game my son has played and even a couple of his practices. I realize you could be doing something else and would rather not drive 30 minutes and stand in the rain to watch a bunch of 10 year olds play football, without any cute single moms around. And then you hang out, help him with fractions and when the homework is done you play video games with him. It is this combination that proves your loyalty and commitment to your friends. Is this called being an adult? I don’t know but what I do know is; it inspires me to be a better friend.

Congratulations on your new job Gregg! Sprint is lucky to have you and you deserve it! I think I speak for all of your friends when I say no matter what age, with or without a business card you are a CLASS ACT!