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October 30, 2006


• Another day light saving has come and passed and I still haven’t figured out what happens to television shows when the “savings” occurs. I mentioned my big question, do they replay shows or what, to my dad and a couple of friends this weekend. They all thought they knew at first then when they gave it a little bit of thought, they realized they had no clue and thought it was a pretty interesting question. But the mystery continues.

• I watched a very good flick this weekend, United 93, check it out. That’s right, I really liked a movie about 9/11. But it’s nothing like World Trade Center and it was ten times better then it’s made for TV counterpart, Flight 93. But this isn’t a review. This is about a joke. I watched the movie with my parents, and my mom made the funniest, yet sickest joke I heard all weekend. There’s a scene where the would-be-terrorists are at the airport getting ready to board the plane. Mom deadpans, “they didn’t need to get their two hours early and go through security.”

So, now you know that my sick sense of humor came to me via genetics. And you can no longer blame me for anything offensive I may say.

• I’m not sure why I signed up to play fantasy football again this year. Before the season started it really sounded like a good idea. I think I was hoping the same thing I hoped for last year, playing fantasy football would help me regain my interest in football. It didn’t work last year, and it isn’t working this year. Remind me not to play next year. I like football enough to watch a few games, keep an eye on who is doing what. But not enough to put in the time and effort that playing fantasy football requires. I haven’t even made a trade offer or roster move this year. That’s t he best part of any fantasy sports league.


Anonymous said...

Greg - Hirplings sounds like a name for baby birds.

Anonymous said...

I know you won't believe me, but I pondered this Thursday night...weeks after the actual event. I am thinking they run the show twice because I used to stay up late & would watch them, but not every station does that. What I can't understand is what happens in the they NOT play a show? So it would make sense that they would need to play 2 in the fall when they gain back that hour. Just my thoughts...