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October 31, 2006

Question from Klosterman

This isn't exactly how he worded it in his latest book "IV" though you'll get the point.

Think of someone who is your friend (do not select your best friend, but make sure the person is someone you would classify as “considerably more than an acquaintance”). Got one picked?
The friend is going to be attacked by a grizzly bear.
Now, this person will survive the bear attack; that is guaranteed. There is a 100% chance that your friend will live. However, the extent of his injuries is uknown; he might receive nothing but a few superficial cuts or he might lose a limb, even multiple limbs.
Now you have the power to prevent this attack. But there’s a catch. If you do so, it will always rain where ever you are, for the rest of your life. It could be a down pour, or a drizzle. But you’ll never see the sun again.
Would you prevent the attack?


Porqchop said...

No. I would help the bear in an effort to put them out of their misery.... idiot. Of course I would help (unless it was you... or Jess, of course)

Gregg said...

First off, no such thing as fate.

Secondly, great to hear a social worker say "fate is fate."

Anonymous said...

i don't like the "seattle weather", so i'm going to have to take the odds that you're only going to get scratched. if you lose your arms -- i'd feed you... if you lost your legs - - i'd push you in the wheelchair :)

plus, what would be funnier than a jew-pac with no arms!

Gregg said...

No arms? How would I play poker?? Probably not very well, so there wouldnt be much of a change I guess.