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March 23, 2006

10 More

So, for my next post I have decided to reach back (not around Porqchop) and post something along the lines of what I think is my most popular post. 10 Things that Piss Me off, so here are 10 more things that really piss me off.

10. "brother" It doesn't sound cool when Hulk Hogan says it. And if a cheese dick like that can't pull it off, neither can you.

9. Clapping It's fine at a sporting event or a play, when something actually impresses you.

8. Reality TV First thing, I admit I watch SOME of it. I get stuck on Real World and Gauntlet. But I'm not happy about it. But Dancing With The Stars, Amercan Idol, Top this, Chef that, whatever. Fucking stupid crap. And the "reality" dating shows? Every single person who thought that was the way they'd meet someone, should be fixed so they can't have children. That's about the dumbest idea since George W for President was suggested out of some dumbass at a Klan rally. All we are really watching for is someone to actually be killed on one of these shows.

7. Loud office talk I'm probably guilty of talking kinda loud at times but, that's in person and in a crowd. But these people who are 3 cubes away, that are straight up YELLING into their phone? Let's just stuff them in a drawer ok.

6. Office food So, I had never really worked in an office enviroment before. And this is the second thing that is annoying me. Mainly its pop-corn and even more specific, burnt popcorn. This and any other food that smells like ass should not be allowed in an office. Or maybe anthranx should be allowed.

5. Hands Free Cell You look retarded with that thing on your head. Then I don't know are you talking to me? Your self? Why must you talk so loud? Are you someone important? Or did you just have $100 to waste? Is that comfortable on your ear? How bout if I stick it up your ass?

4. Work Ok, not really work it self. I like my job. However, I think that if my alarm has to wake me up to come in, I should start being paid right when that lil fucker goes off. This isn't my time. I'm not up cause I want to be, I'm up to goto work. Start paying me right then, or don't get mad if I sleep till 9 and come in at 10.

3. Public restrooms So this might sound kinda gross, and I'm sorry. I hate using public restrooms, not cause I'm some germ-a-phob or afraid Porqchop is gonna hit on me in there. But there's just something totally uncomfortable about being in there and hearing the sounds and the smells are another story. Some people seem TOTALLY comfortable doing their thing, and yes, I understand its totally natural. But c'mon. I'm in the next stall, the wall doesn't have to shake.

2. Organized Religion Look, you found something that helps you to be a more productive, happier member of society? I think that's great. I do. But the second you start "preaching" to me, or anyone else for that matter, you are full of shit. These people sound like they work at some dinky used-car lot and that this Nova is actually a good buy, nevermind the fact that a woman worked on the engine for 10 years to impress a boy. Truth is organized religion has done more bad for this world, than good. Just look at Katie Holmes. Damn shame.

1. Nodders. It had been a long time since I was in classroom setting, then I went to training for my new job. And I was re-introduced to the nodders. The asskissing slimmy shitheads that nod their head as someone is giving a lecture. Same people who also say "uh huh, thats right, yeah, nope, nuh uh" to go along with whatever is being said. They also do this in normal conversation. They should be shot on site.


Gregg said...

The cell on the hip. Gave that some thought. I did. But I don't really hate it. I mean, its completely ridiculous but its something to mock. Oh, you have a nokia in a leather case, and you tee shirt tucked in to your acid wash jeans. I get it, you're a complete ass clown. But it doesn't make want to commit a felony. Just point and laugh.

Gregg said...

Games great fun

Gregg said...

So how bout you guys. Give us a list of stuff that pisses you off. A shoe in the wrong color or size? Missing a shoe sale? Not being able to store all your shoes in one room?

Gregg said...

So, those all sound pretty valid. I mean, I think I even said the one about people who dont walk on the right side of a hallway or staircase..but the hoo ha..yeah, that doesnt sound like fun. i mean really, a clamp? I'm at a loss for words. I will now go play in traffic

Gregg said...

She once banned me for using too many ! in the morning. Gosh, sorry I don't drink a vat of coffee. I gotta wake myself up. Okay, Ritalin wakes me up but still...

Gregg said...

I thought I messed with your .....ocd

Gregg said...

Did someone sneeze on your keyboard?