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March 15, 2006

Brokeback Hirp

Well the recent post of my CARJACK story got a couple friends of mine interested in reading my other great story. A story that when first told about it, I'm sure Dana wet himself just a little bit. And till this day, laughs till he cries when he hears it. Why? I'm not sure, he's a truly sick bastard.

May 22nd, 1992. Last day of school, freshmen year. It's the bus ride home to start my summer. Playing baseball and umpiring for the first time are my plans for this summer. Plans that were put on hold before I even got home.

See the route home every day took us behind what is now Danny Jackson's bowling alley, and on this nice quiet street in a little neighborhood was a street. A simple, normal street. Only sign said "dip" And this sign proved to be a real pain in the...... Normally the idiots on the bus wanted the driver to go a little faster when he went over the dip, doing so caused everyone on the bus to get a little bounce.

Last day, he figures he'll go a little faster than usual. Not like he was over the limit, just a little something extra. Now, it's the last day so the bus is pretty empty. I'm in back just chillin'. Head phones on, listening to the first Tupac album. (this right, long before he was infamous and dead, he was in my walkman) At this time, I was about 5'2 and maybe 100lbs. In the very back seat, where you get the most bounce from that dip. That goddamn fucking dip. So boom, we hit it.

Now picture if you will, a boy flying through the air. Okay, I didn't really fly. But I did hit my head on the top of the bus. I think the kids call that "madd ups" Only I didn't jump. From the sitting position, I went up to hit my head on the roof of the bus. Ouch right? Wait, its not over. Gravity. Goddamn fucking gravity. Brings me back down to the seat, which is now going back up cause its at the other side of the dip. I hit it, still in the seated position. A nice little jolt. Leaves me with 2 compression fractured vertebrae. And I shit you not, the doctors told me it probably shrunk me a half inch. (porqchop, we don't need a visual of what a half inch looks like)

So now the bus is pulled over and an ambulance is en route. For I am in the back of this bus (a full size bus by the way, not a short one) with everyone telling me not to move, unable to speak cause it knocked the wind out of me.

Taken to St Joe's hospital. Sadly Menorah wasn't open yet. Like this Jew wants to be in St Joes! Mom gets the callat work that I've been in an accident. Before she can come in to the ER to see me, she's pulled aside to be told I have some back injury. Then she sees me on the board, head still embolized. Probably not her favorite memory. Glad I could pain a nice vivid picture for her.

Was there a lawsuit? Yes. Did I win? Um, duh. But till this day, it's a bit of a regret. We settled and should have gone for a lot more. In fact, maybe..Just maybe if we had hit the big pay day, I would have had a nicer car. Then instead of going to see Naked Gun 33 1/2 a few years later I could have been out with one of the shallow girls from school and avoided that whole CARJACKing thing. Whew, good thing we settled after all.

due to feed back,the title was reluctantly changed for this post


Gregg said...

I don't get it. Another quarter of an inch, and I'm sitting. For the rest of my life. And you sick bastards laugh. Back pain for the rest of my life=laughs for my "friends"

What's the saying, with friends like these you dont need enemies?

Gregg said...

Oh I find it fun to tell the story. It is one unique friggin story. How many people have been carjacked or broke their back, let alone both? And to have both done in such a highly entertaining way? Something the Farrelly brothers couldn't dream up. But the fact you sick bastards laugh so hard, still? Makes you all more derranged than me. And that's pretty friggin derranged.

Porqchop said...

Oh... I'd definitely vote for Brokeback Hirp... that's classic!

Gregg said...

There, I changed it. Happy you bastages?!

Gregg said...

How bout the poker metaphor, that a little clearer too?:)