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March 14, 2006


What could possibly be better than having ADD and tourettes?

If you date someone with multpile personalities, is it cheating on her when you spend the night with one of the other personalities? Or is that group sex?

Saw a headline on today "Miss Deaf Teen Texas Struck By Train, Killed" So really, they couldn't have worded that a little differently? Seriously, I'm willing to bet that clever lad, MU grad.

When I'm in charge of the world, anyone who burns popcorn in an office, dies. It's that simple

Why do people go through a Drive Thru just park outside and eat in their car? Hell, atleast get out of the car and eat at the little picnic area. Or go park in your garage, leave the engine running and shut the garage door.

We've all called some company and gotten that annoying automated prompt about "press 1 if you want blah blah, 2 if you want yadda yadda" and if you have a rotary phone, please hold for an operator. Wait. No. If you have a rotary phone, hang the damn thing up.Round up $9 and go buy a phone. Seriously, its 2006. What are you waiting for? Still think that the whole push button thing will last as long as the mini-disc? Take your Beta, your black and white tv, type writer toss him and head to Radio Shack.


Porqchop said...

Were you even alive when rotary phones were in the majority? Did you first see a Sleeztack on ABC Saturday mornings, or Nick At Night? Did your mother buy you a new pair to ToughSkins or Bugle Boys for that special first day of school? And most importantly, did you see the Star Wars trilogy (original version, before Lucas' edits and additions) on the big screen or VHS for the first time? Step off... child of the 80s...

Gregg said...

Yes, I rocked Bugle Boy in 4th grade. And the first movie I ever remember seeing, Star Wars. Tell us, what was it like when they came out with the first television gramps?

Gregg said...

What do you know child o 90s? All you know is cable tv. You never had to rough it. Did you ever have to write a paper by hand, or use a dictionary to check the spelling? Ever use a manual pencil sharpener in school?

But one thing has remained steady through out all times. MU's perfect record in the Final Four. And forever being KU's bitch.

Gregg said...

I think perhaps I struck a nerve. Yes, I gave you some crap even after you gave porqchop some crap. But its everyone man(me) woman(chop) and child(you) for themselves here. So I gotta keep you on your toes (porqchop joke to follow)

Gregg said...

Not dramatic at all. We're pretty damn entertaining. And sure, include yourself in that. You aint bad kid.

Gregg said...

You bring something different to the table. Otherwise Chop and I would go back and forth, we're pretty used to the whole heads up thing. Be it poker, or ripping on each other. But make this blog? I think not. Without our witty commentary you'd have nothing to post a comment about. Since you wont start your own blog;)

Gregg said...

There might be worse taste out there. But MU is still learning how to operate windows, let alone the internet. So wait till your neighbors get online, and there you will have worse taste in sports and education. Yes, you bring charm and a quick wit. And you are without a doubt one of the better looking posters on here.

Gregg said...

But the greatest thing you bring to the blogs is encouragement. It goes without saying, the freaquency of my posting has increased ten fold since you started reading and commenting. It definately adds some more fun to the mix. But the oringal site was up and running about the same time you started to learn to walk. Or about the time porqchop first started to go grey.

Gregg said...
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Gregg said...

1984. Got a Commodore 128.