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March 27, 2006

Hirp Story

So it's time for another entertaing Hirp story. Again, involving the great 88 Sentra. This took place sometime during what would have been my sophomore year. I had a couple friends that worked with the KU baseball team and my buddy V and I would go up and catch some games. Nothing beats the PING of the aluminum bat on the ball. Or the tight tee shirts on college co-eds. Wait, where was I going with this? Oh yeah, my car story.

So we're headed back to KC on K-10. And an on going joke over the years had been random lights that would light up on my dash board. Oh, Hirps low on gas again. So for a few days this annoying yellow light was on. Something about oil. I dont know. Anyway some guy in a pick up cuts me off and then gives me the finger. Ass. So I had to catch up to him so I could give him the finger back. Come to think of it, V was always around at the wrong time when I gave someone the finger. Like the time I did it and he was in a car behind me....with his mom. Anyway back to catching up to this guy.

I floor it. And the Sentra, well it wasnt a fast car. Anyway suddenly there's a loud pop sound. Then smoke. A bit of smoke. Pull over on the side of the highway, and literally my first words to V were "that was expensive"

See turns out, that little yellow light meant I was low on oil. Or, well out of oil. Which happens to be bad. I kinda figured it was like when the gas light came on, although the fact it had been coming on and off for the better part of a week probably should have clued me in. Nope. Blown engine. Aw piss. Bill? $1800. Wait, gets better. Got the new engine. Bringing the car home and the new engine just happens to be too much for the older transmission. Don't even get home and that blew. Another $600. $2400 into a car I paid nothing for, that wasnt worth that much and had already been stolen once. Aint that about a bitch?


Porqchop said...

So... I don't know if I'm more disturbed by your going to the games for all the players in their "tight t-shirts" or because you and V like do slip them "the finger." Always wondered if you batted for the other team.

Gregg said...

To quote Worm from Rounders "In your dreams lover boy"