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March 30, 2006

Hirps Beliefs

I Believe:

That the corrupt cops working for Suge Knight killed both Tupac and Biggie Smalls.
That no one wants to prove it.
That George Bush was going into Iraq with or without 9-11 happening
That saying he did it in response to 9-11 is the second greatest tragedy of that day.
That every politicians son should be in the military.
That baseball and poker are the best analogies for life.
That all of life's riddles are answered in the movies.
That Robert Deniro needs to say no to SOME scripts now.
That just cause you love kids and they like you doesn't mean you should have any.
That the best job for me would be to say who can and cant have kids.
That there are some big things in my future.
That wasted potential is the saddest thing.
The the government along with the Mafia killed John and Robert Kennedy.
That racism effects everything and everyone.
That children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.
That Godfather 3 didn't actually happen.
That Godfather 4 will happen.
That it's always better to leave early than overstay your welcome.
That you should tip based on the quality of service
That I let how cute a waitress is effect my perception of service.
That gay marriages will work, bout 50% of the time
That fedoras rock.
That dame is a cool word.
That if someone wants to be in this country, we should let them.
That attracting the opposite sex/or same if the case may be, influences every decision we make. EVERYONE.
That destiny gets too much credit.
That the reason is just in the odds.
That organized religion is responsible for every war in the history of our world.
That spirituality has nothing to do with religion or god.
That you should smile at a kid any time you make eye contact with them, if you know the kid or not.
That people are more honest when they are safely hidden behind a screen name.
That when someone online lies, its usually a bigger lie than they'd tell in person.
That a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
That Elvis is dead.
That rap music has forever replaced Rock as the voice of the younger generation.
That everyone would be happier if we all took naps.
That men should hold doors open for women.
That chivalry isn't dead. Just rare.
That marriage isn't for everyone.
That almost anything done once can be forgiven, that if done twice its a habit and will happen a third time if given the chance.
That everyone has good and evil in them.
That some hide one or the other better than others.
That if you drive in the passing lane any slower than 5 mph over the limit, you're a horrible human being.
That if you speed through a school zone you're the scum of the earth.
That I'm actually pretty funny.
That if I admit my faults it's more acceptable than admitting my strengths.
That mental toughness is what separates most people in similar fields.
That sarcasm is an art.
That this is too long now.


Porqchop said...

Dude... you just used up your material for like 100 posts. Wow.

Gregg said...

Nah, I can always revisit each and expand on them..

Gregg said...

What you dont know about me I can just about fit in the Grand Canyon

Gregg said...

You know a little

Gregg said...

For the record, not a fan of Whitney Houston. Just so we're clear.

Gregg said...

I like Whitney Houston as much as I like popcorn

Porqchop said...

Does she know about your tattoo?

Gregg said...

Thanks porqchop, knew I could count on you. Ass

Porqchop said...

Doesn't everyone have "Exit Only" emblazend upon their arse?

Gregg said...

Not according to Frey