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March 29, 2006

Hirps favorites

So I've made a few lists of things I dislike. I've ranted about a few subjects. Here's a curve ball. A list of my favorites:

Favorite Cartoon Charecter: Alvin
Favorite Sport and team: Baseball, Mets
Favorite sitcom (current and all time): Scrubs, Seinfeld
Favorite current television charecter: Ari Gold
Favorite Pizza: Anthonys in Huntington
Favorite sound: My keys hitting the table when I get home
Favorite writer: Tie, Nelson Demille, Glen Hirshberg, Mitch Album
Favorite bar: Grand Falloon
Favorite web site: this one
Favorite vacation: Chicago a few summers ago
Favorite distraction: poker
Favorite burger: Longbranch on Metcalf
Favorite store to waste time in: Mac store
Favorite columnits: The Sports Guy

Well that's pretty random enough


Porqchop said...

Fav cartoon: Super-Friends
Fav Sport/Team: “College” basketball – Jayhawks!
Fav. Sitcom: Three’s Company
Fav tv character: Ryan Seacret
Fav Pizza: Totino’s frozen – three meat combo
Fav Sound: My kids laughing
Fav Writer: NRJB, Joss Whedon & Kevin Smith
Fav Bar: Hershy’s chocolate bar
Website: Ebay
Vacation: Bora Bora & Moorea
Distraction: Music, movies, gaming and Web
Fav Burger: In N’ Out burger
Store to kill time: Any comic book or music store
Columnists: Porqchop

Gregg said...

Who the hell asked you guys? Make up your own list of favorite things. Gosh. Biters.

Porqchop said...

Uh... you asked.

Gregg said...

Yep, I thought that would get a response. My plot worked. O'doyles Rule!

Porqchop said...

Double that "ass" vote. Ass ass.

Gregg said...

Actually, i didnt ask on this post. The next post is when I asked for your questions or answers. Dont get mad at me cause you guys dont pay attention.