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March 31, 2006


So, let me tell you the big plans for the weekend. Well Sunday anyway. Lenscrafters, my former employee over 7+ years, has an annual dinner thing called Visioning. When I first started it was a pretty big deal, we had it at the Marriott down on the Plaza. And over the years, as the company has grown and grown more stingy, they've moved it to smaller venues. To some shitty hotels, to KC Masterpiece, and this year a Chinese Buffet.

That's part of the story, pretty important. Also, my leaving the company didn't end up happening on the best of terms. I wasn't fired or anything like that. I gave my two weeks like a professional. But there ended up being some serious dislike between myself and the General Manager. Mainly cause he wouldn't know the truth if it ran him down in the parking lot (something that MAY have been considered) There's actually more to the story but I shouldn't print it till all legal action is settled. (It doesn't directly involve me, I'll tell you that much)

Well I was recently kicked out of the store, a first for a former employee. Kind of odd for an employee who was loyal for 7+ years. So, I'm pretty sure the GM doesn't want to see me around.

But I have inside sources still, seems his employees are still more loyal to me than they are him. And I know where this years dinner is. So myself and T-Mac shall be there when they get there, just having a nice innocent dinner. What's this mean? There could be a GREAT post come Monday morning. Also means, keep bail money around.

And if you ever feel like it, feel free to go into the Lenscrafters at Oak Park Mall and raise hell. Let kids take glasses off the wall and snap them, pee on the chairs (its happened) Leave a steamer on the floor, I don't care. Just tell me about it later.


Porqchop said...

Bring a camera.

Gregg said...

A camera? I dont think its good to have that, or witnesses. Matter of fact, I should delete this post. Adds to the whole "pre-meditaded" charge.