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March 27, 2006

Must haves..

So, I'm pretty much out of ideas for a post. Decided I'd post just a list of things I can't live without. Some noteable items missing, I might love but I know I can live without, even if I dont want to. (ie poker)

Let's get to it:
IPod, DVR, Movies, Music, Friends, Family, Baseball, tooth paste, deodorant, pizza, burgers, email, sarcasm, blank checks, cell phone, and naps. That's really it. I don't need much. Other than some ideas for better posts.


Gregg said...

electricity. my ipod and charger. stanley (I'm gonna put off eating Veggies as long as possible) and a hat. Sun burn on the top of your head hurts like a mutha

Gregg said...

You'd really take Stanley??

Gregg said...

Reeeeally? Last I heard you were close to whacking the dog.