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March 23, 2006

"Never rat on your friends"

A great quote from a great movie. But more than that, great advice. Hell, it's not even that,it's a way to live your life. See, Porqchop does a great job with these posters for my site and I always want the post it selft to relate to the poster in some way. Just makes sense right? So Goodfellas, well I already addressed my ideas about the Mafia and our, more specifically, my obsession with it. So now it's gotta be something else. Nothing ha ha comes to mind. So it's time to cover loyalty.

For me it doesn't matter what or who. Favorite teams, friends or family. Even a resturant or hair stylist. You gotta remain loyal. No exceptions. You may, no, you will get let down. You will get the short end of the stick (take it and run Chop) But if you always keep your end on the up and up, you can't ever wish you gave more. And if you ever find yourself wishing you had given less, less of a commitment to the friendship or relationship, well then you're selling yourself short. And that can't be an option. Really, I could drag this on. As you've noticed I tend to have wordy posts. But on this one I'm interested in what the comments are and I'd bet I leave some pretty wordy responses.


Gregg said...

So much for comments. Jerks.

Gregg said...

Well looks like its gonna be a slow day. Shoepho went home sick. And this post didnt really start any dialog. Guess I'll go make comments on that new page that's the latest craze.

Gregg said... Tell your friends

Gregg said...

When you're right, you're right. Porqchop is one catty beyatch.

Porqchop said...

Cat. The other, other white meat.