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March 21, 2006

Okay, thought about it. And gonna give you a brutally honest post. So here are some confessions. Some will probably be great fuel for Porqchop. Some pretty embarrassing. So here goes.

-I know I have a FEW metrosexual tendencies, I dress well, I like Will and Grace, I have a pretty nicely decorated apartment, I enjoy some chick flicks. I like John Mayer, Dave Matthews and Fionna Apple.

-I like kids, love em. But at this time I have no desire to have my own

-I'm 70/30 on wanting to get married one day. But I'm 100% I can only do it once.

-I use the internet to meet girls. It beats the hell out of a bar, and truth is I have the social skills of an idiot with people I don't know. Know me and I wont shut up. Don't know me, and you're almost luckier. I'll write a post on this later.

-I've stolen things, and I've lied. Some of you, ok almost all of you have benefited from it.

-I honestly can't think of one time I screwed a friend over.

-I remember every compliment and every insult. And I probably don't take either one very well. Jokes are different, I can take being ball busting (shut up porqchop)

-For about a month after 9-11, I actually liked George Bush.

-I like Justin Timberlakes music.

-I think I'm a horrible poker player.


Gregg said...

Seriously. No. When you know me, sure. Get me in a room of people I dont know, or know well. And you won't hear a peep.

I don't know what glasses you speak of:)

Gregg said...

Forgot phone? Heard that some where recently;-)

Nice try, I didn't sell glasses. I just made em. Okay, I'll be honest. I didn't sell glasses IN THE STORE:)

Gregg said...

You'll get your 5pm call. Dont you worry. What should I do with my phone? Answer it? Text with it? Throw it? Change ring tones? Play tetris? Oh, thats a good idea

Gregg said...

You're pissed at me? Nah, you arent. I work for a phone company. Do very little with the phones themselves. You saw office space right? Thats my job. I sit in a cube all day, entering codes and stuff into a computer. And sometimes things run slow, or I'm waiting on a response, so I hop on here to see what witty comments you or Porqchop have left.

Gregg said...

That makes me dependable.

Sure you're not pissed? I mean if you are, just pick up your phone and call..ooooooh, wait..that'd be kinda hard to do. Not knowing where your phone is and all

Gregg said...

Mom calls me lil shit. Uncle calls me Wad short for dickwad or fuckwad.

Gregg said...

Yes but I am a lil shit, and I am a wad. If you're gonna call me that, you cant let it be untrue.

Porqchop said...

You guys do know this is a public forum... right?

Gregg said...

Jealous? Nah. They both get to actually see and hang with me. You're finding time to post cause you're the jealous one. Its flattering, really

Gregg said...

Why do you think I lost my hair? My ego pushed it out.

Porqchop said...

I'm making an official request to Blogger that they rename the "Comments" function to "Backdoor Chat"

Gregg said...

Good luck with all that

Gregg said...

Voted on it Porqchop. Not gonna happen. You can keep trying to figure out a way to backdoor me, it's just not gonna happen