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March 29, 2006

Random Hirp Questions

You don't need to answer each one. Or any. But you can. Or ask your own.

Is it better to regret saying something, or regret not saying something?
How many licks does it take?
Can you hear me now?
Where's the beef?
If they put a roof over arrowhead, will that really help Chiefs fans forget they wont see the Chiefs in a Super Bowl?
What the fuck does google mean?
Who came up with the word blog?
Why is sliced bread so highly reguarded?
If a bear farts in the woods, does he blame it on a rabbit?
If you speak english, does that take you out of the running for a job at mcdonalds?
If theres a god, and he/she actually does care who wins an oscar or a game, should we really be praying to him/her?
How can someone be pro-life and for capital punishment?
How do they get the filling inside a hostess cupcake?
If someone drives more than 3 miles with a blinker on, does that qualify them for a handicap sticker?
If you cant feed Gizmo after midnight, when do you serve him breakfast?
Is it better to be loved or feared?
What came first, the breasts or the insanity?
Are there different levels of honesty?
Is it pre-martial sex if you never plan to marry the other person?
If pride is a sin, what about this whole "I am the lord your god" Isnt that some cocky shit?


Gregg said...

I think you probably fixed that last night

Gregg said...

You mean like "hey Rick, hows the baby?" "barry, hows the hot girlfriend?"

Gregg said...

He's not kidding. He doesnt like to be touched. I'll show you. He gets violent when I slap his ass. Really didnt like it when Zac did "whats the capital of thaildn?"


Porqchop said...

Nah. That doesn't stop it. But NRJB's lips work pretty well in a pinch.

Porqchop said...

"Blog" is a short for "Web blog," which was the original name

Porqchop said...

Oops... still early. I meant "Web log."

Gregg said...

I think WOG would have been more fun. Or ELOG. Blog sounds like something a man in his 70s needs to see a doctor about.

Porqchop said...

And the insanity definitely came first!

Porqchop said...

I know you love the East coast, but shouldn't your blog's clock be set to Midwestern time?

Gregg said...

You just noticed this?

Gregg said...

That was on tigerjess' page..That one I did on pacific time, whoops