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March 27, 2006

Random Hirp

System still down at work, and I am bored. I don't mean kinda bored, just a little bored. I mean BORED. Right about now I'd try anything for entertainment or to at the very least make some time pass. So here are some random thoughts.

The whole thing with illegal aliens. This is one time I think the club scene might have it right. Let's just get a velet rope up, and do one in one out. But with a twist. Instead of just waiting on some idiots to leave, lets start voting people out. Really, I get the home of the free thing. I do. It's splendid. But wouldn't we all be better off if some people would just leave the country? The idiot in front of me today on the way to lunch who couldn't find the gas pedal. Gone. Let someone else come and take their place.

I dont like it when I'm hold and one of those voice prompts comes up to tell me to keep holding. For a second there I totally think it's an actual person picking up, just to be dissapointed. Fucking tease.

Did I mention I really hate being on hold? I mean HATE.

There should be no re-runs. I hate re-runs too. But not as much as being on hold.

So finally got through to get some help with a computer issue. Now I'm gonna tell you something stupid I did. I get the tech on the line, and she logs into my computer to figure out the problem. Now she has my screen up and is moving my mouse and asking me questions. I actually found myself pointing at my screen with my finger. Like she could see?!?! I then laughed and told her what I was doing. No reaction. Good god, get a sense of humor.


Gregg said...

No, thats syndication. totally different. When a different network is showing a popular show, that's just good times. I mean like tonight, Two and a Half Men is a re-run. That sucks. Because of this, I'll end up watching some older episodes of Friends.

My hanging up on you was tough love. You ordered Pizza Hut, I couldnt just be accepting of that fact.

Gregg said...

I was supportive, I just needed a second to process the info. It was a lot to deal with and you totally just sprung it on me. But I'll do whatever I can to keep you off Pizza Hut. I dont care if it means driving to Columbia with something as mediocre as Minskys.

Gregg said...

Plains- I didnt say not to let them in, only that it should be one in, one out. Let our kenyan stay, send one born again LC GM to fucking Iran.