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March 19, 2006

Shocking the World

With KU out, there's just one team left to pull for. Wichita State. And here's why.

The shocker is a hand gesture with a sexual connotation that has become popular in many high schools and colleges throughout the United States. To create the gesture the ring finger and thumb are closed while the other fingers are left open. The gesture refers to a sexual act: Inserting the index and middle fingers into a vagina and the pinky finger into the nearby anus (the "shocker"). Because of its explicit sexual connotation, the shocker is sometimes considered vulgar.

There are a number of terms for this hand gesture, the most common and widely used variations are "Three-finger salute", "Two in the pink, one in the stink", "Two in the goo, one in the poo" and "Going to town with one in the brown." Other frequent phrases accompanying the gesture are "shock the world" or "shockerrrr" (with the word elongated and said in a sexual inflection). The shocker is generally reffered toas being "given" or "delivered" rather than shown, much like the way the finger is verbally referenced.

There are numerous variations on this gesture, including "the Spocker," (two fingers in each) or the "barracuda," (pinky and ring finger in anus, index finger in the vagina and the thumb used for clitoral stimulation, which makes your hand look like a fish head) also known as the "sharker."

The shocker is also commonly displayed by sports fans of Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. The nickname for sports teams at the university is the Shockers. In Canada, the shocker is also known as the shot gun.

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Also, understand. There isn't a poker game that porqchop doesn't mention the Shocker atleast 8 times.


Porqchop said...

The biggest question for me is, which end of this thing has NRJB been on?

Gregg said...

Fact is she said it pains her LITERALLY. So I guess we don't need to wonder which side she's been on.

Porqchop said...

It says that NRJB's pretty unforgettable...

Gregg said...

That's right. If there's one thing I've proven is I just can't remember shit. Lucky for you guys huh?