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March 17, 2006


For those of you that are "too cool" to watch American Idol, you are missing out on a legend in the making. Taylor Hicks, the gray-haired soulful Alabama singer, is quickly proving that America is sick of boy band singers and big breasted ditzy divas. America is ready for some SOUL!

"Taylor has feeling, and I believe it is coming from his heart" said Stevie Wonder during last week’s episode. And, believe it or not, has picked him to be the winner as well. "Taylor will win American Idol. He defines unique, his love for music is genuine and his voice is so soulful. Even those dance moves are charming. If only they let him play that harmonica."

Who would have thought that the next idol would be someone reminiscent of Ray Charles and Joe Cocker?

Taylor has a CD available, you can purchase it
here. The CD, Undar the Radar, has a version of Georgia on my Mind that would make both Ray Charles and Jamie Foxx Proud.

-Article courtesy of Missy Ainsworth webmaster of Kansas Soul Patrol. A site dedicated to Taylor, and his Kansas fans.


Gregg said...

Now I'm not someone who watches the show. And I, on occassion, have been some what critical of the whole premise of it. But Missy is a pretty good judge of talent, she told me years ago that Kelly Clarkson wasn't a pop singer like she was being groomed to be, that she had more in her than that. And she's been proven right. Not that we have the same taste in music, but based on this review I will definately give the guy a listen. Joe Cocker? Ray Charles? Those are some big words.

Porqchop said...

Oh... my... for all the smack talk you've laid out for those of us that have watched Idol from time to time, I can't believe this post is appearing on your site. You have officially "outed" yourself!

Gregg said...

Well, no. You're a girl, it's a show for girls. So maybe I shouldnt give porqchop a hard time for watching it. But voting? Have more respect for yourself as a woman:)

Gregg said...

Dancing With the Stars, I was a guest in someones house. Guantlet is like watching a train wreck. Or like watching Quinn Snyder coach. You know it wont be pretty but you gotta see how bad it gets.